Sunday 15 October 2017

TMN Goes Mobile-Friendly, Launches New App

What restaurant could be a great one unless it is open to people in a mobile click for the gadget eraMobile app and mobile platforms have become the very means of serving the customers with a single touch. Yes, TMN is proud to launch its mobile app for all foodies out there in Odisha to enjoy a simple one-touch away delicious food.

It can be easily downloaded from this link ( which opens the Pandora to delicious and mouth-watering food. The app allows you to either login if you have registered with the site already or register yourself with your email address and password.

Well if you are one of those freaks who don’t leave your details with anyone, you can also access the services using a guest login feature.

In the first phase of the roll out, the app is initially available for android devices (in Google Play Store). It will be made available in iOS devices in the near future.

If you have downloaded and registered, what are you waiting for?

You can choose the city and the locality to locate the restaurant closer to your residence. You can choose a location nearby your home. It reduces your wait time to receive the food you ordered online.

The menu gives a wide range of dishes to choose from that not only seem intriguing but also affordable and tasty. There are a plenty of options to choose from. We offer food for the various times of the day, such as, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and cakes, beverages, and chocolates.

Speaking of the app layouts, the images are stacked with colorful pictures of original dishes that are served in the restaurant. TMN is very stern in displaying what they really serve to their customers. The colorful palette lined up in the app site leaves with plenty of choices for the customers to choose from. Any layman can use the app to order the food online owing to the ease of access.

Santosh Panda, Founder & CEO, TMN
The new app hosts several additional features than the preceding version and has several customer friendly features for efficient and smooth meal ordering and meal delivery experience”, TMN’s Founder and CEO Santosh Panda quoted

“The new app is the result of the TMN tech team’s relentless efforts who devised ways to enhance the app as well customer experience” Santosh added.

So friends, download the TMN app today, browse for your favorite food, order, enjoy all the delicious foods at the comfort of your home. Your satisfaction is our success!

Do come back to our site for updated NEW PROMO CODES very soon.

Media Contact
Divya kala.R
IndSense Writing Services

Wednesday 11 October 2017

TMN Sports New Logo

At TMN (TasteMoreNew), we are delighted to announce that we have designed a new logo, sporting orange and maroon colors, for the company.

The revamped logo has been unanimously chosen by the TMN team who are confident that it showcases their values and beliefs in a strong way. The new orange and maroon badge with the name TMN displayed under a Chef’s hat underscores the brand’s mission “Food for Every Occasion”.

Going deep into the idea behind the color maroon - it is the color that represent:

excitement - The TMN team works with great excitement and passion and one day is not equal to the other. We strive to add value to our each day's of work and endeavor to make our process and operations better with each passing day.

desire - At TMN, we prepare the kind of food that suits the palate of people from all walks of life and positive customer feedback and long-standing loyalty  is the reward that we get from their part.

strength -  The TMN team's strength lies in providing a wide range of services such as catering, home delivery, party orders, corporate orders, canteen facilities and we have been doing fabulous at all these multifaceted areas over the last two years.

Maroon is a testament to all the things that define the two-year old company TMN.

Moving on to the next color, orange is a hot color to the human eye and it gives the sensation of heat and you can only vouch for that after you have tasted the delicious offerings of TMN!

Orange is the color that stands for 

creativity - Creativity is the hallmark of TMN and it is the driving force of our chefs for whom being creative is as natural as breathing. We are blessed to have such creative people in our team who manage to surprise us with their creativity without compromising on quality and taste.

determination - Like in all great business, our determination is to get better in each aspects of our work, be it preparing great food, rendering customer service, taking bulk orders, or successfully organizing an event. Our main determination comes from "why do we do the things that we do?" and "what we do" and "how we do it?" follows later and it takes us to another aspect of the orange color...

success - Success for us means happiness all around. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than seeing our customers delighted by our service. For us success is not the destination. Our very journey is our success, our very team is our success, being around with people who believe what we do believe is our success. And when many others join their hands with us and enjoy the value added services that we provide, our success just grows multi-fold.

The new badge has replaced the previous "spoon and fork" logo and can be seen in TMN’s website and mobile app.

Media Contact:
IndSense Writing Services
965/860-1541, 994/309-7975

Sunday 1 May 2016

Hotel Business in Bhubaneswar – Problem of Plenty and Choice of Scanty!

Odisha is famous for its typical cuisines and cooks. The hotel industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the state due to the rapid industrialization, growth in tourism and educational sector. The capital city of Bhubaneswar is a reflection of growing hotel industry in the state.

If you roam around the streets in Bhubaneswar, one thing defiantly catch your eyes is hotels. Each locality contains over hundreds of hotels – either big or small or even road side hotels. The number is constantly increasing.  The hotel business is said to be one of the most profitable business. If one runs it meticulously, then profit margin will be overwhelming.  It is this basic fundamental concept that has led to sudden rise in number of hotels in Bhubaneswar. The competition is fierce.  Options are plenty.  Different hotels charge different rates. You can get a standard lunch at minimum of cost just Rs 30 if your budget does not permit you to effort the comfort of a luxury hotel. The same menu can cost you more than Rs 500 if you select a hotel in a posh area in the city.  It is quite paradoxical.

As popular proverb goes like this the problem plenty is often scaring than the problem of scarcity. Looking at the growing hotel business in Bhubaneswar, one can easily jump to the conclusion that options are endless to a customer. If you have money, you have food everywhere. Everybody wants to eat quality food at affordable price. Now the question comes how to select a good hotel? A good hotel is one, which maintains quality menus, hygienic environment, and proper delivery for affordable prices.  Considering these two factors, the hotel industry in Bhubaneswar suffers from problem of plenty and choice of scanty.

What are the parameters of a good hotel?

  • Affordable Price
  • Quality Foods
  • Hassel-free Ordering System
  • Simple Cancellation Process
  • Reliable Delivery Platform
  • Professionally Trained Chefs  
  • Hygienic Kitchen Environment
  • Hi-tech Kitchen Appliances
  • Modern Storage System
  • Proper Management of Food Hygiene and Safety
  • Focus on Personal Hygiene of Staff
  • Dietitian Recommended Foods
  • No Compromise on Food Ingredients
  • Best Selected Menus from Different States 
  • Every Day New Menu
  • Non-dependent on Third Party Food Suppliers

In Bhubaneswar, there are certain food providers like TasteMoreNew, who meticulously fulfill the above requirements for the benefits of their customers.   

Thursday 14 April 2016

Bollywood Movies Based on Food & Beverages

Bollywood has great impacts on the lives of the people in India. It is one the largest film industries in the world. It is the most effective medium for telling society its own story. The Hindi cinema industry portrays changes taking place at socio-economic-political levels on the silver screen, so profoundly that it leaves the audience with an unforgettable impact.  The first ever movie was screened in India in 1913. The industry has completed 100 years.  Over the years, many iconic movies have been produced and many unforgettable songs and lyrics have been created. Also there are many hearth touching as well funny dialogues that we always like to listen to. These famous dialogues are on society, lifestyle, politics, economics, spirituality, leadership and almost on everything.  Here are some of the famous movies based on food & beverages.

Here is a presentation that depicts relationship between Bollywood and Food & Beverage Industry. 

TasteMoreNew Recommends Foods You Should Take This Summer

According to media reports, around 30 people have died in Odisha allegedly due to sunstroke so far this year. The heat wave is mercilessly sweeping the state with the mercury level touching above 40 degree Celsius in almost all districts in the state.  It is quite natural that we feel the heat and irritating humid condition.  We try to find out various ways to keep ourselves cool. Our body demands cooling foods to keep energy level intact. What are the best foods that you need to consume in summer? TasteMoreNew has the answer: 

Friday 8 April 2016

18 Chicken Dishes at TMN

You may not believe that 100 grams of chicken contains 30 different nutritional substances, which are quite useful to your body. It is the most common non-veg item across the globe. Chicken is a rich source of lean, low fat protein. It does contain selenium, a chemical known for its anti-cancer properties.

Considering the health benefits and differentiated tastes of the people, Bhubaneswar-based food delivery platform TasteMoreNew makes 23 different chicken items for its customers. Here is a glimpse of these items.