Thursday 14 April 2016

Bollywood Movies Based on Food & Beverages

Bollywood has great impacts on the lives of the people in India. It is one the largest film industries in the world. It is the most effective medium for telling society its own story. The Hindi cinema industry portrays changes taking place at socio-economic-political levels on the silver screen, so profoundly that it leaves the audience with an unforgettable impact.  The first ever movie was screened in India in 1913. The industry has completed 100 years.  Over the years, many iconic movies have been produced and many unforgettable songs and lyrics have been created. Also there are many hearth touching as well funny dialogues that we always like to listen to. These famous dialogues are on society, lifestyle, politics, economics, spirituality, leadership and almost on everything.  Here are some of the famous movies based on food & beverages.

Here is a presentation that depicts relationship between Bollywood and Food & Beverage Industry. 

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