Thursday 10 March 2016

Rice: Not Just a Staple Food, But a Way of Life, Culture and Custom in India

Rice is not only a staple food for majority of people in India, but also a way of life, culture and custom.  India is the largest rice producer in the world, accounting for over 20% of all world rice production. In addition to making direct contribution to economy growth, rice production has its influence on socio-cultural life of people. Most of the Indian customs and festivals are observed in consonance with rice production and consumption.

Over the years, many varieties of rice have been added from different regions making it one of the richest culinary items in India. Here is the list of rice in India.

Water Rice (Pakhala): It is a typical Odia rice item. The food consists of cooked rice washed or little fermented in water. The liquid part is known as Toraṇi. It is popular in Odisha, Bengal, Assam and Chhattisgarh.  

Rice Bread (Akki Rotti): A south Indian rice item made of rice flour which is mixed with salt and water and kneaded well to make a soft dough. It is extremely popular in Karnatka.

American Fried Rice: It is a Thai fried rice dish with "American" side ingredients like fried chicken, ham, hot dogs, raisins, ketchup, and croutons. Other ingredients like pineapple are optional.

Biryani: It is a mixed rice dish from the Indian subcontinent. It is made with spices, rice and meat or vegetables.

Steamed Rice: It is cooked either by steaming or boiling the rice. Steamed rice may include any variant, including short, medium, and long grain rice.

Bisi Bele Bath: The rice-based dish originating in the state of Karnataka, is quite elaborate and involves the use of spicy masala, toor dal (a type of lentil) and vegetables.
Chitranna: It is a rice-based dish widely prepared in homes in South India. It is prepared by mixing cooked rice with the tempered vegetable offering called Oggarane, gojju or Chitrannada Gojju (means, Chitranna's gojju).  

Claypot Chicken Rice: It is a dinner dish served with Chinese sausage and vegetables. More often than not, the rice is cooked in the claypot first and cooked ingredients like diced chicken and Chinese sausage are added in later.

Curd Rice:  It is also called yogurt rice is a dish of India. The word "curd" in India usually refers to unsweetened yogurt. It is very popular in the Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

 Dal Bhat: Dal bhat consists of steamed rice and a cooked lentil soup called dal. It is a staple food in India and other South Asian countries.

Dosa: Dosa is a fermented crepe made from rice batter and black lentils. It is a staple dish in South Indian states of Tamil nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana.  

Fried Rice:  It is a dish of steamed rice stir-fried in a wok, often mixed with other ingredients, such as eggs, vegetables, and meat, and as such, often served as a complete dish.  

Idli: It is a savory cake sizing four to five inches in diameter and are made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils (de-husked) and rice. The fermentation process breaks down the starches so that they are more readily metabolized by the body.

Kheer: Kheer is a rice pudding from the cuisine of the Indian Subcontinent, made by boiling rice, broken wheat, tapioca, or vermicelli with milk and sugar; it is flavoured with cardamom, raisins, saffron, cashews, pistachios or almonds.  

 Khichdi: It is made from rice and lentils (dal). It is considered one of the first solid foods that babies eat.

Jeera Rice: Consisting of rice and cumin seeds. this rice dish is a popular dish in North India, an everyday rice dish. It is easy to prepare unlike a biryani. Jeera is the Hindi word for cumin seeds.

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