Thursday 18 February 2016

Skipping Breakfast Better Rather Taking Bad Breakfast

India's great freedom fighter and father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had survived 21 days of complete starvation from Sept.18 to Oct. 8 in 1924.  He only took sips of water during fasting. Gandhiji undertook 17 fasts during India's freedom struggle. Irom Chanu Sharmila, the Iron Lady of India's northeastern state of Manipur, is the world's longest hunger striker.  She began her hunger strike on Nov.2, 2000, at the age of 28. She is continuing it. History has recorded many such great personalities, who went on a hunger strike for number of days.
The question resurfaces again - How long can a person survive without food? Regardless to say factors like weight of the body, genetic characters, immune power and past medical history, a person can live without food between 28 days to 40 days.
So, what's harm in skipping just one meal of the day i.e. breakfast? Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Hence, it is referred to as ‘breaking the fast’ – from the absence of food. Human body gets glucose from a breakfast meal to power its vital organs and maintain a healthy weight.
Breakfast used to be believed as an important meal of the day. Now some studies reveal that breakfast is just a meal. There is no harm in skipping a breakfast.  With size-zero trend fast catching up among youths, they prefer to consume less and don't bother to go without breakfast. They tend to believe that a heavy lunch is more than enough to keep body fit and healthy.
Scientists at Cornell University claim that going without breakfast a few days a week is beneficial in reducing weight. They also downplay the popular belief that skipping breakfast will make you eat more (undesirably more) in the lunch or subsequent meals.
Researchers at the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition say that each person is different with regard to their unique biochemistry, genetics, activity program, and personal tendencies.   So taking or skipping breakfast is a personal thing. There is no harm in skipping it.  There are certain breakfast menus, which should be avoided. These foods will not benefit you in any way.
Breakfast does not boost body's metabolism process. Indeed there are various studies suggesting that fasting increases your metabolic rate slightly. It doesn’t manage blood sugar well.  It also increases hunger.  
Even though certain researches support skipping of breakfasts, most of the empirical studies strongly insist that human beings should take a healthy and hygienic breakfast for several strong health reasons. However, taking a bad breakfast will only harm your body.  The benefits of taking good breakfast are as follow:
First of all, a healthy breakfast motivates you to develop an inspiring diet habit.
  Secondly, a proper breakfast will make you feel energetic, smarter, leaner and productive. Skipping breakfast or eating bad breakfast means you are potentially inviting threats to your body!  
  Thirdly, breakfast and body weight are co-relational. To maintain a standard health, a good breakfast is essential. Indeed a person can skip lunch and take something healthy snacks in the afternoon, if he/she has taken proper breakfast.
 Fourthly,  your body gets energy boost.
Fifthly, a healthy breakfast makes your day better. It enhances your mental concentration. On a other hand, a bad breakfast or unhygienic road side breakfast will make you feel dull throughout the day because a breakfast has its direct impact on lunch and other subsequent meals.
  Sixth, breakfast helps you to reduce decrease your LDL cholesterol. However, you need to be cautious on what you are taking in breakfast.

In the end, we can say that skipping breakfast is better than taking bad breakfast. 

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